
New Umpiring On-Line Resources launched
Wanting to learn more about some of the Laws of Cricket so that you can umpire your child’s game?
For those umpiring games for junior club or school players in Year 5 - 6 (9-11-years-old) select the Foundation Umpire module below to register…

CJCA Cricket Express Photo Competition EXTENDED FOR 2 WEEKS
NEW CLOSING DATE 13TH AUGUST 2023 - As the entries have really started to come in over the last 7 days we've decided to extend the entry date until sUNDAY THE 13TH OF AUGUST - many thanks to those 30 plus entries that we've already received…

PLAYHQ - Scoring & Game Management online courses
New Zealand Cricket have confirmed the first four of sessions leading into the 2022/23 season for those wishing to learn the new way of on-line or e-scoring and also the processes around Game Day Management within PlayHQ

Mike Dormer passes
It is with great sadness that the CJCA acknowledges the passing of one of our Honorary Members and stalwarts of the Association, Mike Dormer.
Mike was a passionate supporter of the ideals of the Junior and Youth games as well as cricket in…