Due to issues with Friday night access to School Grounds and cross over with people at these grounds the CJCA season will now not recommence until Saturday the 12th of February. Families will be dealing with a lot during the first week back…
https://www.cjca.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/CJCA-Covid-Square-v2.jpg240298Rob Wilkinsonhttps://cjcanz.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/New-CJCA-Logo-248x300.jpgRob Wilkinson2022-02-02 07:21:062022-02-02 07:21:06CJCA Season restart delayed until Saturday 12th February
Theres just over a week until the registrations close for the 2022 Summer Festival - if you are SCHOOL years 6, 7 or 8 you can register by visiting this page - assessments to assist with creating even teams will be held on Sunday the 13th…
https://www.cjca.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/for-web-Summer-2020-6.jpg264448Rob Wilkinsonhttps://cjcanz.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/New-CJCA-Logo-248x300.jpgRob Wilkinson2022-01-31 07:12:202022-02-03 10:42:02CJCA Summer Festival Registrations close soon
Christchurch Junior Cricket is proud to be hosting a section of the South Island Primary Schools Boys Cricket Festival from the 10th to the 13th of janaury. Matches will be played at the Polo Grounds in Hagley park, Warren Park and St…
https://www.cjca.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/v2-South_Island_Cricket_Black_BG.jpg17741774Rob Wilkinsonhttps://cjcanz.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/New-CJCA-Logo-248x300.jpgRob Wilkinson2022-01-07 10:20:132022-01-07 10:20:59South Island Primary Festival - Christchurch starts Monday 10th January
The CJCA will be having 16 Boys teams participating in South Island and Canterbury Cricket Festivals in January 2022
The CJCA will have 2 teams in the South Island event at Alexandra and 10 teams in the Christchurch…
https://www.cjca.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/toss-at-Kaiapoi-small.jpg209297Rob Wilkinsonhttps://cjcanz.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/New-CJCA-Logo-248x300.jpgRob Wilkinson2021-12-21 11:11:352021-12-23 10:07:35CJCA January 2022 Festival Teams - Boys
SATURDAY 11th December 7.30AM
Another tough one for the last week before we break
CJCA Cricket 7.30am Saturday 11th December Level 2 - LEVEL 2 - GO TO GROUNDS - as the rain has stopped and appears to be clearing please go to…
https://www.cjca.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/New-CJCA-Logo-with-Border-for-WEB.jpg299298Rob Wilkinsonhttps://cjcanz.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/New-CJCA-Logo-248x300.jpgRob Wilkinson2021-12-10 16:08:082021-12-11 06:34:4511th December 7.30AM - GO TO GROUNDS
A reminder that a meeting will be held on Monday the 13th of December at 6pm at the Christchurch Netball Centre - Please come up the stairs to the 1st Floor
This is to build the parent group to support the new intake of CJCA Year 6 who…
https://www.cjca.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/for-web-Summer-2020-6.jpg264448Rob Wilkinsonhttps://cjcanz.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/New-CJCA-Logo-248x300.jpgRob Wilkinson2021-12-10 09:49:132021-12-10 09:49:13CJCA Year 6 Festival intake meeting Monday 13th December - Chch Netball Centre 6pm
Please note the Registration Form for the Assessments and Festival are now available
Assessments are to be held on the 13th of February 2022 with the festival the next 3 Sundays from 10am.
Players are eligible if they are in Years…
https://www.cjca.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/DSC02206-scaled.jpg10372560Rob Wilkinsonhttps://cjcanz.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/New-CJCA-Logo-248x300.jpgRob Wilkinson2021-12-09 17:05:442021-12-10 12:19:05Registrations now open for the 2022 CJCA Summer Festival- Feb/March 2022
Kia Ora Club Conveners, coaches, managers, and parents,
As we get the 2021-22 season underway this Saturday! We remind all that we need to play cricket under COVID-19 Level 2 guidelines. We appreciate your support with the changes we have…
https://www.cjca.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/for-web-Summer-2020-8.jpg190448Cat Ryanhttps://cjcanz.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/New-CJCA-Logo-248x300.jpgCat Ryan2021-10-22 08:26:252021-10-29 15:11:03Junior Season Start 23rd October
The CJCA is looking for a few more umpires for its upcoming Spring Festival and LOTS of umpires for its January Festivals 10-13 January 2022 (South Island Boys Festival) and 20-22 January 2022 (South Island Girls Festival).
If you have a…
https://www.cjca.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Umpires-Small.jpg336396Rob Wilkinsonhttps://cjcanz.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/New-CJCA-Logo-248x300.jpgRob Wilkinson2021-09-28 11:45:082021-10-21 07:41:26CJCA Umpiring Opportunities - Spring 2021 and January 2022
CJCA Season restart delayed until Saturday 12th February
CJCA Summer Festival Registrations close soon
South Island Primary Festival - Christchurch starts Monday 10th January
CJCA January 2022 Festival Teams - Boys
11th December 7.30AM - GO TO GROUNDS
CJCA Year 6 Festival intake meeting Monday 13th December - Chch Netball Centre 6pm
Registrations now open for the 2022 CJCA Summer Festival- Feb/March 2022
Junior Season Start 23rd October
Girls Smash arrives in Christchurch
CJCA Umpiring Opportunities - Spring 2021 and January 2022