Winners of CJCA Cricket Express Photo Competition announced

Many thanks to those who submitted photos - the staff at the Sir Richard Hadlee Sports Centre office from Canterbury Cricket, Metro Cricket , the Canterbury Cricket Trust and the CJCA have viewed the photos and the verdicts are in FUN ($100…

PlayHQ update from NZC

Email from NZC - 24 July 2023 Major Association and District Association Chairs and CEOs   The start of the 2023-24 season is now only weeks away, with registration opening in large parts of the country from 1 August 2023. Since…
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Girls pre-season Skills Programme now open

The CJCA is excited to announce an extended Girls Pre-season Skills Programme leading into the 2023/24 season - in addition to the 3 day camps that are held during the School Holidays 4,5,6 October there are also 3 Sundays in September for Girls…

CJCA Cricket Express Photo Competition EXTENDED FOR 2 WEEKS

NEW CLOSING DATE 13TH AUGUST 2023 - As the entries have really started to come in over the last 7 days we've decided to extend the entry date until sUNDAY THE 13TH OF AUGUST - many thanks to those 30 plus entries that we've already received…

CJCA Pre-season Programme registrations NOW OPEN - Year 6 full

The highly popular CJCA Pre-season Programme is now open for registrations - for more info about the programme please follow this link - - if you have questions about the programme which is for Year…

Latest PlayHQ updates

For the latest from NZC regarding PlayHQ Check out this new landing page For the latest PlayHQ updates click on this Link Release Notes page for 2023 - CLICK HERE

Have your Voice heard! - NZ Cricket Voice of the Participant 2022/23

The latest "Voice of the Participant" Survey conducted annually by NZC in conjunction with Sport New Zealand is now open and gives our participants an opportunity to have your say in the way that Cricket in Christchurch is being delivered and…


The personal stats and competition leader boards for cricket competitions are now available at the following website Please note any games that haven’t been fully scored with player statistics…
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January Festivals about to start - 15 CJCA teams in action

Next Monday the CJCA will have 9 teams playing in Festivals in Ashburton, Christchurch and Mandeville (Ohoka, North Canterbury) - in a new format which starts on Monday afternoon (9th Jan) teams will play over 4 days and the Festivals will…