CJCA celebrates success at 2019 SIPST

The Christchurch Junior Cricket Associations two Boys teams both came away with Trophies following the recent South Island Primary Schools Tournament held in Oamaru. The Red team coached by Scott Pawson & Stuart Ellison remained unbeaten…
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CJCA January Year 7 and 8 (2019) teams announced

As everyone moves up a Year group and we welcome an new intake of Year 6 Boys the CJCA is able to announce its teams to compete in the both the New Year 7 Festival (14-17 January) and the Year 8 Mandeville Tournament (21-24 January). The…
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Transition to Youth (Y9) Cricket 2018-19

In a few weeks all Year 8 Boys will finish there involvement with the CJCA and move into Youth Cricket which which is administered by the Christchurch Metropolitan Cricket Association. For information about where you can play your cricket…
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2019 CJCA Boys South Island teams announced

Following the CJCA Boys Spring Tournament the following teams have been named to represent the Christchurch Junior Cricket Association in the 56th South Island Primary Schools Tournament to be held in Oamaru from the 7th to the 11th of January…
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CJCA Girls teams for South Islands announced

Following the recent CJCA Girls Spring Tournament the following two teams have been named for the South Island Girls Invitational Tournament to be held at the Burnside West University Cricket Grounds between the 23-25 January 2019. A full…
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CJCA Volunteer Roles available

The CJCA is seeking expressions of interest in two important volunteers roles to commence at the start of the 2019 calendar year. We are also seeking interest in support roles for these major roles from those wishing to volunteer at a lesser…

CJCA right behind NZC Age & Stage formats

This season sees CJCA competitions fully implement the new New Zealand Cricket Age and Stage Formats - these formats are now being adopted nationwide and for many CJCA grades the changes aren't too radical. CLICK HERE for a summary of…

Where to play Cricket in 2018/19

As the days slowly begin to lengthen thoughts will soon be turning to Summer Sport. The CJCA organises weekly cricket for children of all ages that attend Primary or Intermediate Schools - if you want to learn the skills of the game before…