Cricket's Back Season Launch Thursday 1st October
Heres you chance to meet Black Caps Tom Latham and Henry Nicholls as well as lots of the Canterbury teams (Kings and Magicians) at our Cricket's Back Season Launch on Thursday the 1st of October from 2.30pm to 5pm on the Gloucester Green cnr…

2020 Spring Tournament Nominations open
Nominations are now being taken for the 2020 CJCA Spring Tournament proudly sponsored by Cricket Express.
Assessments for Boys will be held on the 18th of October - No Assessment will be held for Girls ((Girls from the wider Canterbury…

CJCA Wicket Keeping Clinics 30th September 2020 - Lincoln
The CJCA Wicket Keeping Clinics aim to give players a 90 minute session covering basic wicket keeping principles for Year 5/6 players and more advanced drills/skills for Year 7/8 players.
These clinics will be held at the New Zealand Cricket…

Year 6,7 & 8 Supervised Net Sessions
The CJCA has arranged supervised net sessions for Year 6, 7 and 8 players wishing to have a guaranteed net session or sessions during the upcoming school holidays.
The sessions will be held the Lincoln High Performance Centre and are limited…

Intro to Hardball Sessions 28/29 September - Lincoln
In a new initiative the CJCA is offering 90 minute "Introduction to Hardball" sessions for Year 5 Boys moving into Hardball grades for the first time in the 2020-21 Season.
Getting used to wearing protective gear and having the confidence…

Registration for 2020 Umpiring Course open
The CJCA is pleased to announce a Level 1 Umpiring Course open to Year 8 Boys and Girls and Parents to gain better understanding of the Laws and their application through a series of courses to be run in conjunction with the Canterbury Umpires…

CJCA AGM confirmed for June 15th venue Burnside West University CC
The 60th AGM of the CJCA will be held on Monday the 15th of June from 7pm with drinks with the formal meeting starting at 7.30pm.
Due to the recent announcement a conventional meeting will be held and the venue has been confirmed as the…

18 March CJCA & NZC Statement - Covid-19
Please see this official statement below from New Zealand Cricket -this follows earlier communications sent to all Clubs and Schools regarding regarding the immediate cancellation of all CJCA Community Cricket for the 2019/20 season
New Zealand…

17 March CJCA Statement - COVID 19
Following a directive from our governing bodies NZ Cricket & Canterbury Cricket the CJCA would like to advise the following
STILL ON (as at 17 March)
Final round of CJCA Friday/Saturday Cricket this weekend
CJCA Girls Superstar…

Register now for Girls Summer Tournament from Friday 14th February
The Christchurch Junior Cricket Association (CJCA) runs two tournaments each season where girls from year 5 up to girls just starting Year 9 can play in matches which is organises on 3 Fridays from 4.30pm.
These provide an extra opportunity…