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Year 6,7 & 8 Supervised Net Sessions

The CJCA has arranged supervised net sessions for Year 6, 7 and 8 players wishing to have a guaranteed net session or sessions during the upcoming school holidays. The sessions will be held the Lincoln High Performance Centre and are limited…
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Intro to Hardball Sessions 28/29 September - Lincoln

In a new initiative the CJCA is offering 90 minute "Introduction to Hardball" sessions for Year 5 Boys moving into Hardball grades for the first time in the 2020-21 Season. Getting used to wearing protective gear and having the confidence…
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Canterbury Cricket School Holiday Cricket camps

After a successful launch in July, Canterbury Crickets school holiday coaching camps are back! The programmes are designed for boys and girls (aged 8-12) of all abilities to learn new skills and play one of New Zealand’s favourite sports. Sept…
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Canterbury Coaches Conference Registrations open & Programme

The programme for the Canterbury Coaches Conference on Sunday the 15th of September has been released and interested coaches can now register via this link. http://bit.ly/Coachesconference The cost for attendance at the Conference is $50…
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CJCA Volunteer Roles available

The CJCA is seeking expressions of interest in two important volunteers roles to commence at the start of the 2019 calendar year. We are also seeking interest in support roles for these major roles from those wishing to volunteer at a lesser…